Advice To Those Falling In Love
Falling in love is a uniquely intense period of time for anyone. But we need to sort out a lot of other questions during a falling-in-love phase: Beyond clear attraction, is this person someone who will support you, respect you, understand you, and be compassionate with you? And does this person share your values and priorities? Here are few tips to guide you.
1. When you fall in love make sure it' s with somebody who treats you exactly how you deserve to be treated..
2. Love somebody who wants to know everything about you, from your favorite color to your childhood memories how you managed to survive all those years...
3. Love somebody who can make you laugh, who kisses your forehead and who notices all your flaws but chooses to see past them...
4. Love somebody who listens to whatever is on your mind, who protects you and always reminds you how blessed they are to have found you...
5. Love somebody who you can 't stay mad at for more than an hour, who knows every freckle on your face, every stretch mark on your thighs, every scar and every tear...
6. Love somebody who you can plan your future with, and most importantly love somebody who is God fearing.
7. When you realize you’re in love with someone, tell them,forget about playing games.
8. Ignore the declaration that whoever cares less wins. Find your self-worth on your own. Do not try to get it from someone else because you’re fighting a losing battle.
9. Give everyone you meet a chance. Do not ask for respect. Demand it.
10. If someone is not right for you, end it. Don’t stay with them out of pity.
11. Listen to the advice of your loved ones. But ultimately make all decisions on your own.
12. Be intimate with someone when you’re ready. This will be a different amount of time for every single person.
13. Don’t feel guilty for being happy and in love if your friend is not. Be sensitive, but don’t hide your joy.
14. Never miss an opportunity to tell someone why they make you smile. Compliment them on their physical attributes, but compliment them more on what you love about their personality.
15. Remember that not everyone will have a relationship that’s exactly like yours. Be open-minded.
16. Don’t stay with someone just because you’re afraid of being alone.
17. When your partner does something that upsets you, tell them. Don’t wait around for them to figure it out on their own.
18. Give your partner other gifts that took you more than five seconds to pick out in a store. Make them yourself, or do some research, or just spend some time thinking of something that’s really going to make an impact.
19. Be as honest and as vulnerable as you possibly can. It’s scary, but it’s worth it. Share secrets with them. Things you’ve never told anyone else. Even if the secrets are stupid.
20. Let them see you in your most natural-looking state. You’d be surprised at how intimate this can feel.
21. Lastly, Don’t try to make your relationship exactly like someone else’s whether it’s a celebrity couple or your favorite television romance or even just your parents. Love your relationship for all the reasons that makes it unique and special and like nothing else you’ve ever seen before.
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