Rise to Wisdom - Nothing Can Stop Your Dream

Welcome to another episode of Rise to Wisdom. On this week's episode of Rise to Wisdom we will take a look at the topic: ''Nothing Can Stop Your Dream'.

Nothing can truly stop a man on a mission. Nothing could stop Joseph’s dream from coming to pass. Throwing him into a pit didn’t. Selling him into slavery couldn’t. False accusation and imprisonment couldn’t either. 

Sometimes in life, God doesn’t stop weapons from being formed against us. He may not stop enemies from gathering against us. Sometimes, He may not stop persecutions against us. That doesn’t mean He’s not aware and doing something about it. 

In South Africa, coal and diamond come from the same source and are similarly useless in their natural states. Test them with fire and you will begin to observe the remarkable differences between them. While the coal becomes useless after supplying heat, the beauty of the diamond increasing with the heat. Most times, it is actually the heat from the coal that is used in purifying the diamond. 

Your enemies and distractors, instead of becoming your stumbling blocks, should be your stepping stones!

Let them bring on the heat, you’re more than capable

What have you learnt from this?


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