Motivation: Don’t Invest Unwisely
This week on our Weekly Motivation Corner, we will be dwelling on the topic ''Don’t Invest Unwisely.'' There are lots of schemes rising up all over the world, and the sad reality is that a great number of people especially the poor are being drawn to these schemes. One of the greatest financial advice I’ve gotten is ‘If it seems too good to be true, then it definitely is’. The best way to get scammed is to invest in opportunities that seem easy and promises a great deal of profit. No one is responsible for your finances; do not allow anyone take control of your money, do not hand over your money to someone with the hope of getting larger returns. To succeed, you must invest in yourself first, invest in self-development, develop skills that would increase your earning power, and most of all, look for ways that provide value for people. Most of these schemes that are being paraded today as providing worldwide financial empowerment do not provide any value ...